Overall Review: 4.0 (GREAT)
Between Two Cities
Family Board Game by Stonemaier Games, Inc.
Age: 8+
Recommended Players: 3-7 (with 1-2 variants)
Where can you buy it?: https://stonemaier-games.myshopify.com
We were searching online for small and indie game publishers and came across Stonemaier Games. One of the things that pulled us in was their dedication to producing quality games for small groups of people without falling into the traps that most larger companies do, namely poor quality and cheesy game play. Stonemaier specifically focuses on player engagement, long lasting materials, intuitive and engaging gameplay, and beautiful graphic design. If you take a look at their 12 Tenets of Gameplay and the games on their website, you will see exactly what we mean. Of their available games, we picked up Between Two Cities.
According to the back of the box:
“Between Two Cities is a tile-drafting game in which each tile is part of a city. You work with the player on your left to build one city center while simultaneously working with the player on your right to build a second city center. On each turn you select two tiles from your hand, reveal them, then work with your partners to place one of your selected tiles into each of your two cities.”
At the end of the game, each city is scored for its architectural grandiosity. Your final score is the lower of the scores of the Two Cities you helped design, and the player with the highest final score wins the game. To win, you have to share your attention and your devotion equally Between Two Cities.
Between Two Cities is a tile and turn based co-operative interactive game where you must work with other players in order to win.
According to their website:
“In Between Two Cities, you are a world-renowned city planner who has been asked to redesign two different cities. Projects of such significance require the expertise of more than one person, so for each assignment you are paired with a partner with whom to discuss and execute your grandiose plans. Each turn features a simultaneous discussion with your two partners to decide which of your tiles to place into the cities you’re building with each of them and where in those cities to place the tiles. At the end of the game, there is only one winner, as each player compares the lowest scoring of their two cites.”
Scott’s Overall Reaction:
“This is probably one of the most beautiful and interactive games, other than traditional pen and paper role playing games, that I’ve seen. Though something’s like the painted wooden city tokens were simple, they were extremely effective in their use. What really grabbed me and held me were the beautiful tiles used in game play.” -Scott
Tori’s Overall Reaction:
“Other than the amazing graphics and quality of the product, my favorite part was strategizing with 2 different people at the same time to build the best city possible with both of them. It’s a game that can easily make you question everyone’s intentions and allows for a small amount of gaming paranoia to set in when you see what’s happening elsewhere on the table.” -Tori
Even though it’s designed for 3 to 7 players (since you have to work with the player on your left and right to build your 2 Cities) there are rules to allow single person and two person play, this makes it versatile whether you have small groups, large groups or you by your lonesome. This is a huge selling point because you don’t see this option with most games.
This is an addictive, fun and high quality game that can be played over and over again with a variety of outcomes.
Individual Category Reviews for Tori / Scott
Visual Design/Appeal: 5 (AMAZING) / 5 (AMAZING)
Rule Playability/Complexity: 4 (GREAT) / 4 (GREAT)
Strategy/Luck: 4 (GREAT) / 4 (GREAT)
Replay Value: 4 (GREAT) / 4 (GREAT)
Fun Factor: 4 (GREAT) / 4 (GREAT)
Player Interaction: 4 (GREAT) / 5 (AMAZING)
Tori’s Overall Review: 4.2 (Great)
Scott’s Overall Review: 4.3 (Great)
Individual Category Reviews for Guest 1 / Guest 2
Visual Design/Appeal: 3 (GOOD) / 3 (GOOD)
Rule Playability/Complexity: 4 (GREAT) / 4 (GREAT)
Strategy/Luck: 4 (GREAT) / 4 (GREAT)
Replay Value: 4 (GREAT) / 3 (GOOD)
Fun Factor: 4 (GREAT) / 4 (GREAT)
Player Interaction: 5 (AMAZING) / 4 (GREAT)
Guest 1 Overall Review: 4.0 (Great)
Guest 2 Overall Review: 3.7 (Great)
**During our 4 person game play with guest involvement and ratings, Guest 1 was between the ages of 18 and 24, Guest 2 was between 10 and 14.**
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