Podcast – Ramblings: Thoughts on the Another Anime Convention 2018 (AAC2018)

It’s beginning to look a lot like winter… and feel it, too.

That can mean only one thing: it’s time again for the Another Anime Convention (AAC)! Though they normally hold the convention in October in Manchester NH, this year the AAC2018 was held November 16-18 at the Double Tree Hotel in Nashua NH.

ScoTori (both Scott and Tori) was able to attend this year as part of the press contingent, taking at look at the convention both from the fan standpoint and from a behind the scenes look and access to the guests for interviews. It was an amazing time, as you can tell by our podcast episode below, where we talk about the venue, staff, attendees, panels, and guests. We could not have asked for a more amazing time. Also check out our pictures from around the con, especially of the cosplayers, both here and on our Facebook and instagram feeds.

The Another Anime Convention has been running for around 13 years. It is a small, dedicated convention catering to those how love Japanese culture and anime. According to their website (anotheranimecon.com):

“Another Anime Convention is run by people who love Japanese culture especially Japanese animation located at the Double Tree Hotel in Nashua, NH. It is a place for fans to gather in New Hampshire for a three day convention to enjoy events, special guest’s and other media that celebrate aspects of Japanese culture. While our focus of the convention is Japanese animation, we also expand to other aspects of fandoms such as steampunk, science fiction and internet media. We offer panels, workshop’s, anime screenings, a masquerade (skits and performances to show off costumes) a dance, karaoke, game shows, formal dance, AMV room, video games and much more.”

Stay tuned for more content from the ACC2018, including pictures from the convention, unbagging videos of the con good bags and our interviews with actors/voice actors Ian Sinclair, Chuck Huber, J. Michael Tatum, and Brandon McInnis.


#AAC2018 #AAC #AnotherAnimeCon


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